Sustainable care close to the patient requires a digital highway. How can it become real?

AddLife 22/06/2023

Description of the social issue: Sustainable care close to the patient requires preventive measures, new working methods and smart digital tools. However, this requires an expanded digital infrastructure, something that municipalities and regions prioritized during the pandemic. How do we get the decisions required to make Sweden's digital highway a reality?

Almedalen Fotograf Malin Ericsson Region Gotland

About the event:
Sustainable care close to the patient requires new working methods. Adding more staff is neither possible nor sustainable. New digital tools and smarter working methods can make it easier for care to move into the home, prevent hospitalizations and save travel and time both for those who care and for those who are to be cared for. "Time is the new currency" - both for healthcare providers and patients. How can we save time? How can we create equal and sustainable care with digital solutions? Care that works with existing resources.

Gunilla Nordlöf, Director General, Health Authority
Nicklas Sandström (M), regional council, Region Västerbotten
Anna Bergström, Business Unit Manager, Homecare, AddLife
Michael Green, head of unit, Tomelilla municipality
Patrik Sundström, CEO, Inera
Thomas Magnusson, chairman, Diabetes Sweden


Language Swedish


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