AddLife donates medical devices to Ukrainian hospitals in collaboration with OperationAid

AddLife 05-01-2023

In 2023, we are so proud to continue to support the people of Ukraine in their time of need.

Ukraine Addlife

Last year, AddLife donated €700,000 (SEK 7 M) of critical medical devices. This year, in collaboration with OperationAid, we kick-off with supply to a hospital in Kharkiv and other clinics in the area with their specific medical requirements worth a further €58,000 (SEK 650K). Our ambition is to continue donating critical medical aid on a frequent and regular basis to these hospitals during the year.

We look forward to supporting hospitals on the ground in Ukraine in 2023. By working together, we aim to support healthcare professionals provide access to much needed medical care.
Today, our deliveries from Mediplast AB and Biomedica have arrived and further deliveries from Healthcare21 will arrive this week.
Special mention to the Ukrainian embassy in Stockholm for their help and support.

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