
Business area Medtech

Medtech offers products and services in the field of medical technology, as well as assistive equipment for use in homecare.

The subsidiaries in the Medtech business area actively maintain a local presence and awareness with customers and suppliers. The companies in the business area offer their own products, a broad selection of products from other suppliers, and services such as training, support and technical service. The product line ranges from simple consumables to advanced instruments for surgical procedures, as well as welfare technology and assistive technology for the elderly and disabled. The product range requires a solid foundation of medical knowledge to guide the customers.

  • Quote

    Responsibility for sustainable solutions

    - Sylvia Stafford, Technical Service Director at HC21 Group

    Recycling equipment, such as beds, hoists and wheelchairs, is vital to reduce the environmental impact of medical products. Within the Service and Decontamination department at HC21, we provide complete asset management from point of purchase to end of life, including material recycling.

    "We are extremely proud of our service and we know the quality of the refurbishment would be good enough for our mothers. I am honoured to help improve people's lives in a sustainable manner."

    HC21 Asset
Segments Medtech

Medtech´s strengths

  • Employees with extensive medical experience, local knowledge and a high level of service, as well as product developers in welfare technology
  • Broad range of products, both developed inhouse and products from other manufacturers
  • Flexibility regarding customised solutions, as well as cutting edge expertise in public procurement procedures
  • European distribution and service network for the group’s own products and services, as well as the products and services of other suppliers

Medtech subsidiaries

  • Quote

    Prime position for healthcare recovery

    - Peter Simonsbacka, CCO

    After the pandemic, healthcare is facing several challenges with long queue times and a lack of healthcare staff. AddLife is well positioned to support our customers in these challenges and to help the healthcare system in their recovery now taking place.

    20211208 HIRES ADDLIFE 5579

Medtech 2023 in figures

Net sales: 6,042 SEKm


Employees: 1,477

Share of net sales: 62%

Net sales by market Medtech 2023

News from AddLife’s Medtech subsidiaries

SC Referens Odalmannen Sater 1
04 July 2024
Modern and homely LSS residence for residents and staff

Svancare furnishes with height adjustable toilets and basins from Ropox and Korpien.

13 January 2024 | Zafe
Smart teknik ger bättre vård

Kristianstadbladet skriver om Zafes tekniska trygghetslösningar för vården.

01 January 2024 | Biomedica Italia
The business unit of the Surgery Division of Euroclone Spa merges into Biomedica Italia Srl.

Today, the branch of Euroclone Spa specializing in the distribution of surgical products merges into Biomedica Italia Srl, another company in the Addlife group.

29 November 2023 | MBA
Planting of two new forests in Madrid and Catalonia

At AddLife AB Group, sustainability is a central part of our vision to improve people's life and an integral part of our business, central to our long-term strategy. Well done to our MBA team and their families who last weekend planted two new forests in Madrid and Catalonia. MBA SURGICAL EMPOWERMENT has once again joined forces with Bosquia Nature to reforest 600 trees in Madrid and Gerona. This initiative will offset more than 110 tonnes of CO2 over the next 30 years, the company is continuing the reforestation project it started last year with the planting of 500 trees in Asturias. Well done Team MBA!

See all news

Contact us!

We are happy to help with questions regarding the business area Medtech

20211208 HIRES ADDLIFE 5579

Peter Simonsbacka

Senior Advisor

20211208 HIRES ADDLIFE 5760

Anna Bergström

Business Unit Manager Homecare


Luca Marenzi

Business Unit Manager Hospital

Nathan Pettitt

Nathan Pettitt

Business Unit Manager Hospital